Behind the scenes at Aviagen Turkeys Hatchery Photoshoot
On the 3rd and 4th July, Yasmin Oakley, Aviagen Turkeys Ltd (ATL) Marketing Manager & Peter Hunt, ATL Management Specialist headed over to ATL’s Hatchery in Lincolnshire for a photoshoot. This photoshoot was organised to refresh ATL’s image library, particularly with updates of biosecurity, equipment, staff and much more.
The aim of the shoot was to follow the process in the hatchery from when the eggs arrive to them hatching and poults being sent to the customer. The photography team were also fortunate to get images of the candling process, including close up images of the different stages inside the eggs.
The main part of the shoot involved following individuals around on hatch day showing the process from take-off, sexing, and loading on the vehicles which meant the team could capture some great action images whilst still ensuring the concept of the process was clear in the image.
Once the hatch was complete, they were able to get some great pictures of the cleaning and disinfection throughout the hatchery. This included the cleaning of the hatchers and pressure washing of the floors and walls etc.

Once all footage was gathered from inside the hatchery the team then moved to outside where overall outside shots were taken whilst also focusing on the loading bays and the wheel wash area. The wheel wash has been a great addition to the hatchery ensuring any vehicles that come onto site are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.